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Wolfgang A. Nässig (picture from 2012) Autobibliographie

(Starting Page)

Wolfgang A. Nässig

Dieses Verzeichnis umfaßt alle wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen bis einschließlich zum letzten angegebenen Stichdatum in chronologischer Reihenfolge. 
This list contains all scientific publications published before the last date provided,  in chronological order.

Some of the publications, especially of the most recent ones, are available on individual request (via e-mail) as PDF in accordance with copyright regulations. 
Older papers can only be sent as printed copy or (when these are gone out) must be photocopied; this takes time. In such cases I need a normal postal mailing address.

Suchhilfe. — Aid for finding a paper in the bibliography.
Publications on Saturniidae
Publications on Brahmaeidae
Publications on Eupterotidae
Other publications on Bombycoidea
Publications on Microlepidoptera
Publications on Hessian Lepidoptera faunistics
Other scientific and popular publications
Non-scientific notes
Book reviews
Internetpublikationen (folgt später)
Publications in the World Wide Web (later to follow)
To the List of new taxa

Verfügbare Abstracts/Zusammenfassungen sind im Text markiert und per Link erreichbar.
When there is an Abstract available, there is a link to it.
Zurück zur Suchhilfe/Back to the top

Impressum/© 1998–2017 by Wolfgang A. Nässig. — First generated in HTML: October 1998, new edition: January/July 2007, July 2008
Last Update: 8./16. Nov. 2006, 10./16. Jan. 2007, 31. Jan./16. Mar. 2007, 23. Jul. 2007, 8.VII. 2008, 4. VI. 2009, 10. VI. 2009, 18. X. 2009, 27.VIII.2010, 13.XII.2011, 16./30.X.2012, 21.IV.2017
Dr. Wolfgang A. Nässig, Entomologie II, Senckenberg,

Senckenberganlage 25, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main
T. 0 69/75 42-13 23 (tagsüber/daytime)

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