Saturnia pinratanai New Additions to the Saturnia Website

(starting point: 30 August 1999, “2nd edition”)
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Within this page, additions to the Saturnia website are shown to allow a faster look through the new matters.

Small additions and changes (such as minor corrections or single new links or such) are not shown here, only totally new or revised pages and other significant or large-scale changes will be announced.
NOTE: Additions to the autobibliography are included soon after publication and not separately listed here.

The following additions were made on March 27, 2000:
The following additions were made on March 14, 2000:
The following additions were made on January 26, 2000:
The following additions were made on January 14, 2000:
The following additions were made on January 2, 2000:
The following additions were made on December 30, 1999:
The following additions were made on December 23, 1999:
The following additions were made on December 13, 1999:
The following additions were made on October 26, 1999:
The following additions were made on October 1, 1999:
The following additions were made on September 1, 1999:
The following additions were made on August 31, 1999:
Impressum/© 1999–2018 by Wolfgang A. Nässig. — Datenschutzhinweise.
Last changes: 6. XI. 2000, 18. I. 2002, 3. VII. 2003, 22. VII. 2004, 10. IX. 2004, 21. IV. 2005, 18. V. 2006, 9. VII. 2008, 11. VIII. 2009, 14. I. 2010, 22./28.V.2018
Wir geben hier die E-Mail-Adressen nur als Grafik ohne Hinterlegung mit einem HTML--Befehl an, weil wir verhindern möchten, daß automatische Suchprogramme diese Adressen zusammensuchen können, um damit hinterher einen regen Handel zu treiben und die Adressen für das Zusenden von „Spam-Mails“ zu mißbrauchen. Leider bedeutet das, daß jeder, der Kontakt aufnehmen will, diese Adressen von Hand abschreiben muß und von Hand in sein Mailprogramm eintragen muß. Entschuldigung für diese leichte Unbequemlichkeit, aber nur so kann man die Unsitte des Spammailmißbrauchs langfristig bremsen!
We provide all e-mail addresses here only as graphic files, not supported by the HTML  code. This is to avoid the work of automatic email address retrieval programs and afterwards the abuse of these for spam mailing. So, anybody interested to take up correspondence must copy the address by hand and type in by hand into his mailing program. Sorry for any inconvenience, but this is the only way to avoid spam mailing at the longer view.